I designed these programs for the ultimate personal expansion of body and mind, with the goal of achieving the fitness level you have dreamed of! I built a program based on decades of experience as a body builder, and private personal trainer. Wherever you are now, I have been…we are all a work in progress. To share my expertise, I created e-vok, and developed fun, intense workouts that even offer alternatives based on your access to equipment. Each exercise includes a video of me in action, showing you just how to do it.
I found direction, focus…and a form of personal salvation in the gym. through E-Vok. I want to help as many people as possible to lead better, more fit lives; the way I learned to do as a teenager, when my Uncle (who raised me as a son, friend, and brother to his 3 girls) brought me to my first gym — helping me to learn discipline, focus, and healing. Healing from a past life, I was desperately trying to forget.
After I obtained an Exercise Training degree (with a concentration in Biomechanics), I became a Test Engineer in the automotive industry, testing the way the body moves in motion upon impact. As an Ergonomic Engineer, I also helped to design seats and components in vehicles. Wanting to be my own boss, I soon transitioned away from Engineering, and into Business — owning millions of dollars in real estate.
I purchased properties in some of the harshest areas in Detroit. Everyday I was faced with many dangers, and saw many horrific events; however, I found a lot of beauty and peace in Detroit. I was able to see a sense of pride in the people, and an unwavering love for a city that has been the underdog for many years. Then, after losing everything in 2010 due to the market collapse, I was at a point where I needed healing once more. I just wanted to give up on life; however, each day I kept on pushing.
I went on a search, looking for something or someone to “make” me happy. Instead, I destroyed many wonderful relationships by taking them for granted. Now, I realize I need to be happy myself to be able to give love back, which is the solid foundation of any relationship. After a few years of searching without positive results, I decided to get back to the basics, and follow what I was taught earlier. Through training, praying for strength, and starting to learn to love myself again; I was able to become more healthy (both mentally and physically), even learning to be happy, while rebuilding my life.
Having been through what feels like many wars, and having fought hard through them all, I can now accept more of what life throws at me, embrace it, and move on positively. I learned to have more empathy and humility. I truly understand people better…I understand you, and where you may be right now in your life.
We all have doubts. We all have fears. We all have limiting beliefs at some point. Bottom line, you have to turn all of that into fuel to motivate you to achieve whatever you want to achieve. By empowering yourselves as I have done, you can evoke the most incredible experiences on this earth. I do not know many people that have led the kind of life that I have, and lived to talk about it. However, I can tell you that it does get better. You do get wiser. You do get stronger. You can choose to be humble, and to give love. You get back what you give out!!!
I want to do for you, what my Uncle — and fitness training — have done for me. This is the path to discipline, focus, and self-love.