What You Get:
• EVOKFIT’s “Grab ‘n Go” Food Chart: No need for custom meal plans that are hard to follow. We designed our easy to use food chart removes the guesswork out of healthy eating, and puts you in charge! It’s all about portion control.
• Training: Access to Over 250 Workout Videos structured to add lean muscle to burn fat for life. Take your workouts right to the gym with you!
• Accountability & Support: Weekly FaceTime Call with Kelly to ensure Accountability. One-on-One Consultations Every Week!
• Community: Join others like you around the country & the world! Motivate & Follow each others’ journey–through posts & our FaceBook Group. Make new friends with amazing people!
Cost: FREE (5 Weeks Free When You Meet Our Challenge!)
(If you are local to Los Angeles, you have the option of training with Kelly in person.)
Let’s Talk!

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