
Fitness in this time means building a different kind of community. However, fitness as we know it has not changed, basic movements will always guide you through your fitness journey! We are your safe space, in a world where you can’t go to a gym right now, where you need to stay strong, build your immunity, and decrease stress–we at Evokfit Train@Home bring you back to what we have always stood for–simple ways to move, resistance using your own body weight, HIIT … and taking action! Transform your body and mind.
Evōk the knowledge that you are strong through any adverse situation.
Empower yourself, and others you are sheltering with, to be in control of your own mental and physical well being.
Emerge from this global event with more power, strength, and a clear vision of how staying fit is relevant, “basic,” and important–no matter what disaster is thrown at us.
Sign up and Train@Home with Kelly Lowery, while you shelter-in-place, and beyond. Our workouts are structured for total body training each week. Let’s do this as a team … as a Family.
Stay healthy. Stay Strong!
—Kelly & Julia, Your Evokfit Family

p.s. You can buy all the equipment you need at our: Evokfit Amazon Store!*
Don’t worry though, we’ve given you plenty of options for at-home use!

Join Evokfit Now! Buy below.

Our Train@Home Pack Combines Resistance & HIIT!
Fit Pro Kelly Lowery Gives You A Sneak Peek Below!

Evokfit Training Soundtrack! Listen while you train.

Our New Train@Home Pack Helps Increase Your Mitochondria For More Energy, to Keep You Leaner & Feeling Younger!
Get Fit@Home With Tailored Videos & Our Total Body Fitness Training — Back To Basics. (Includes Exclusive Access to Evokfit’s Video Library–Supplement Your Workouts & Train The Way You Want!)


(*Some equipment substitutions/improvisations may be necessary. If you purchase any gear through our Amazon Evokfit Store, as Amazon Influencers, we earn from qualifying purchases.)
Thoughts From Our Evokfit Community: