Welcome to Evokfit!
Thank you for purchasing our Evokfit Pack! Your payment has been made, and your transaction is complete. You will receive an email with a receipt for your purchase. Log into your PayPal account to view the details.
Please login using the menu above (or click on Workouts) to access your Train@Home structured fitness videos, and bonus “Grab ‘n Go” Food Chart. Don’t forget to take a “before” photo! Send us your shots, and let us know that we can post them. #evokfit We’d love to feature you on our site, as you continue to progress towards your ultimate fitness goals. Follow along with our videos on your devices–get the whole family involved!
Access your workouts above, by clicking on the dropdown menu: TRAIN@HOME WORKOUTS! (Or Login if you need to!)
Stay Strong!
Kelly & Julia
Your Evokfit Team